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Hey gentlemen, ever wonder what period cramps feel like? Well, even if you never have, a menstrual pain relief company called Somedays already has, and they're wiring guys up to a device that simulates period cramps.
Men are finally getting a taste of what women go through on a monthly basis by using Somedays' new period simulator.
Viral videos are popping up all over TikTok showing males being hooked up to Somedays' machine that mimics the aching cramps that many women regularly experience during their monthly cycles.
The machine contracts the muscles for those wearing it to feel the sensation of levels 1 through 10. According to one of the women from Somedays, level 5 is about as the standard cramp feeling, while level 10 is said to be the most unbearable.
In one of the TikTok videos, a couple, Shane and Sarah, tries out the machine together. At level 7, Sarah didn’t even flinch, while her husband Shane was visibly starting to feel the pain.
Sarah revealed to him, “It just feels like a mild cramp, to be honest with you.” By the time they got to level 8, Shane admitted that he couldn’t even stand up and that he would call in sick for work if he were experiencing this level of pain. He declined to give number 9 an attempt while Sarah braved level 10 with ease.
One female TikTok user commented on the video, “The next step is husbands’ wearing it for 24 hours on level 5, going to work, shopping, making dinner and putting the kids to bed and then be social."
In another viral video, after experiencing level 5, what is considered to be an average level of period cramp pain, one participating guy simply says, "that sucks" as he realized this is what women regularly experience.