DUI Suspect Bites Off Cop's Finger

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A New York City Police officer is missing part of one of his fingers after it was bitten off by an unruly DUI suspect. The incident happened last week after officers attempted to stop a vehicle that had the wrong plates on it, police say. The driver – later identified as illegal immigrant Lenni Rodriguez-Cruz – sped off, “causing civilians to jump out of the way," according to an NYPD spokesperson. He then drove into oncoming traffic and smashed into four cars before coming to a stop, police say. After he was taken to a local precinct, Rodriguez-Cruz attacked a sergeant and bit off part of his finger, police say. He’s now facing 10 charges and is being held on $250,000 bail, court records reveal. What would be the hardest thing to do with only nine fingers?

video and full story here; https://www.foxnews.com/us/illegal-immigrant-bites-off-police-sergeants-finger-after-dui-bust-sources

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