Here's What You Can Save On During Florida's Freedom Week Tax Holiday

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We could all save a few bucks!! Florida's Freedom Week is from July 1 to July 7. During that time, you can take advantage of tax breaks on outdoor recreation and entertainment. Here's the list.

Fishing Supplies up to $75

- Bait or fishing tackle

- Rods and reels

Boating and Water Activity Supplies up to $500

- Snorkels, goggles, swimming masks

- Life jackets

- Coolers

- Paddles and oars

- Paddleboards, surfboards, canoes, kayaks

Camping Supplies up to $200

- Camping lanterns and flashlights

- Sleeping bags

- Portable hammocks

- Camping stoves

Pool Supplies up to $150- Pool and spa replacement parts, nets, filters, lights and covers

- Residential pool and spa chemicals

Sports Equipment

- Any item used in individual or team sports, not including clothing or footwear, for $40 or less


- Memberships on physical fitness clubs and facilities

- Live sporting events*

- Live music events*

- Cultural events*

- Museum entry

- Ballet and theater performances*

- Movies

- Festivals

- State park entry

- Fairs

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