T-Mobile’s Releases A Limited-Edition 5G-Inspired Gin

We've heard of some pretty wacky food and beverage stunts lately, and some I can get behind, others, not so much. For example, in previous episodes of Pillow Talk with Franny and Maegan we introduced you to the Limited Edition Pickle Hard Seltzer that Franny and I would be so willing to try. But now, the mobile carrier, T-Mobile has decided to get in on the nonsensical marketing game.

T-Mobile announced the release of their brand new product that the internet has determined "no one really asked for" but that it looks like the world is getting regardless: a limited-edition gin.

This week the carrier revealed it was commemorating the expansion of a 5G network that now "covers over 300 million people in the United States" with “5Gin,” which is selling for $30 a fifth. T-Mobile has also teamed up with the folks at Jones Soda for a “5Ginger Beer” you can pair the new booze with.

T-Mobile collaborated with Heritage Distilling Company to create the gin and describes it as “the distinctive combination of 3 botanicals and field-to-flask distillation process.”

Those that have tried and reviewed the liquor say "5Gin has a slightly piney and decidedly spicy aroma that’s reflected in the notes of pepper and citrus that come to the forefront when you take a sip." The gin is 94 proof. It's limited edition so if you're into that sort of thing, you better hurry up!

Photo: Getty Images

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